Learning Planet Festival

SDE YRA will be presenting at the Learning Planet Festival 29 January, 2025 6pm UTC (1pm EST, 10am PST) JOIN In order for the youth rights movement to be understood and ultimately accepted by mainstream culture, the youth rights movement must bridge youth-centered methodologies with conventionally accepted educational frameworks. Self-Direct Education (SDE) Youth Rights Accreditation…

SDE YRA will be presenting at the Learning Planet Festival

29 January, 2025 6pm UTC (1pm EST, 10am PST) JOIN

In order for the youth rights movement to be understood and ultimately accepted by mainstream culture, the youth rights movement must bridge youth-centered methodologies with conventionally accepted educational frameworks. Self-Direct Education (SDE) Youth Rights Accreditation is an international accrediting agency upholding human rights in educational spaces by supporting communities focused on the rights of young people.

This event will give a brief presentation on SDE Youth Rights Accreditation and then leave ample time for questions and answers on the program and ways in which we could help support your communities.

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